Friday, August 15, 2008

100% of Sales 4 Spring River Animal Services

100% of all sales from Kristy Lee Jewelry website will go towards products for donation to my local animal shelter "Spring River Animal Services". They just opened this year and are the only shelter in our area. They are in desperate need of food and supplies. I will be doing this from now, Aug.15 until Monday Aug.18th.
(The only exception will be the Roseville Pottery and the Coca Cola tray- these are on consignment).
This is a perfect way to get some early Christmas shopping done and also to help comfort some needy animals.
Have a nice day.
Kristy Lee

(permission to use photo and info. for blog granted by Spring River Animal Services)


lisa mcgill said...

Hi Krisy,I think what you are doing is awesome! I wish there were more people like you! I hope you sell lots of jewelry! I bought 2 pairs of earings!!!Thanks!

Kristy Lee Jewelry said...

Thanks so much Lisa.
Every little bit helps.
I went there today and they needed silly little things like sponges and bleach.
Thank you thank you thank you !!
Have a great day !
Kristy Lee